
Help ! have sunburn on legs and feet now.

After returning from my holiday in Spain, my feet started to swell. The swelling has now moved up to my ankles and if I put my feet up it feels like warm water

  • Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet: Check.

12.06.2009 · I have really bad sunburn on my legs from falling asleep n the beach recently. My ankles are really red and swollen from it. I've tried putting my ankles
Why are my feet and ankles swollen.

Swollen, purple legs From Sunburn?.

my legs, ankles and feet are swollen after sunburn

ankles swollen after sunburn - MedHelp
Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet: Check. What Is A Rash On Top Of Swollen Legs And.

my legs, ankles and feet are swollen after sunburn

How to get rid of swollen ankles due to.
i have a severe sunburn on the front and back of both of my legs, not the first time for that but it has been a very long time since it has happened, however, i have
Get the facts on the causes of swollen ankles and swollen feet, and learn about the medications used for treatment of ankle and foot swelling. Pinpoint your symptoms
Answer (1 of 8): If you have any kind of rash or uncomfortable swelling of any kind, it is recommended that you go to your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor
Unfortunately Prednisone has its own long list of side effects, including swollen legs and feet, sleeplessness, lowering of one's immune system, etc. Warned that
01.08.2007 · Best Answer: If you just returned to the beach, do not be surprised if it get worse the next couple of days. What you need to do right now is to go to the

swollen feet sunburn - MedHelp - MedHelp.

hey, my girlfriend was in the sun four days ago and got sunburnt now her ankles and feet are swollen and she cant walk without severe pain. she's 22 and we have


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